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Small Bar tours in Sydney (this is no pub tour!)

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Small Bar tours in Sydney (this is no pub tour!)

Small Bar tours in Sydney (this is no pub tour!)

Small Bar tours in Sydney (this is no pub tour!)

Small bars are something that is relatively new to Sydney. Since 1788, the city has seen pub after pub established, and while some of the oldest still exist, such as the Hero of Waterloo and the Fortune of War, society has dictated that smaller intimate venues are wanted.

So when Clover Moore, the now Lord Mayor of Sydney, but at the time a Member of Parliament motioned to introduce Small Bar Licenses, it was a very new concept. But it was done and the results have been phenomenal.

In August 2013, Two feet launched Eat/Drink/Walk Sydney, an exploration of small bars in the city and we were excited to have Clover Moore attend the very first tour.

If you are interested in a walking tour to discover the hidden gems in Sydney, learn a bit of history and enjoy some of the nicest little bars in the city, then you want to jump on a small bar tour with Two Feet!